Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time Travel, or how I bought my plane tickets

The first round of plane tickets are bought. I am freaking out because I just spent $1000 dollars. And I have to use them now. Which means it is real.

I've been researching how to get to Doha for weeks now, and going the direct route seemed silly, since I am staying for an extra 3 weeks after my classes end. So I looked into going through Dubai or Bahrain, but, though they are bigger hubs, the flights there weren't any cheaper than going straight to Doha.

So Tuesday night, with two days left in the British Airways fare sale, I still didn't know where I was going. I looked at the cheap transatlantic flights; flying into London or Madrid or Frankfurt did nothing for me, since the money saved was less than the flight from there to Doha. Finally, finally, Istanbul caught my eye.

So Istanbul it is! I'll be there over the New Year, leaving Seattle on Dec. 28th, then returning home on May 26th (I know, happy birthday Dan and Rosie). I think it is pretty funny, but getting back from nearly half way around the world only takes "6 hours." I'll leave at 14:00 and get back around 20:00. That isn't as amusing as a flight I saw between Sharjah and Doha which takes 0 hours, leaving at 12:55, and getting to Doha at 12:55.


My next step should actually be looking up flights from Istanbul to Doha. (Anyone know anything cheaper than the $270 ticket I found through AirArabia?)

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