Just when I thought there was no way I'd be able to complete the things on my bucket list during the week, God sends rain!
I got a text this morning from my good buddy Edwin alerting me of the fact that it had rained! I jumped to look outside (and was surprised by a pigeon on my windowsill, but that's a story for another day) but the light rain had already passed.
I took a picture of the puddles and clouds, since rarely do you see a day that's not sunny, and I figured that would have to be good enough.
Imagine my delight when this afternoon, the humidity soared and the water in the air congealed into raindrops again for me! I actually felt them this time (and took another picture to celebrate).
Besides that, my day was uneventful. Most Mondays there are computer science talks during lunch (that offer free food), so I went to the talk today about Google getting hacked by China. While Ryan Riley, a professor from Qatar University, didn't have any insider information, he gave plenty of advice on, if you were going to attempt to get into the e-mails of Chinese human rights activists, how you would go about doing it.
A little look into my personal life, I am part of multiple classes where I am working or will work in groups. This is a cause for a) frustration, since I don't know the people I'm working with; b) joy, when the group that I randomly get put it is full of other dedicated students; or c) a sense of humor, since when things fall apart, sometimes it is best to live and let live.
I answer C because you seem like a relaxed, laid-back person like myself. :-)