Sunday, December 27, 2009

!!!!, or why I'm freaking out


This time tomorrow I will be in the AIRPORT about to BOARD my FLIGHT to ISTANBUL!

There is righteous anger, right? This is righteous freak-out.

I guess I never told you, but the airline strike was called off due to mis-voting. The trains around London are still screwed up last I heard, but I'm safe.

My room has been delineated into the "taking" and "not taking." I still have a few piles to go through, a bit of shopping to do, another round of sorting, massive amounts of scanning and printing, a load of laundry, a few phone calls, and then... I'll be "ready."

I'm taking a small rolling suitcase and a hiking backpack as of now. If I can consolidate them into the backpack I might try to do that, but I'm not thinking I'll be successful (or even want to do that).

It has gotten to the point where I'm ready to be in Doha.

However, for Christmas, I got a Rick Steves' book on Istanbul (and some of you know how I adore Rick Steves) and began reading it. But on my 10 hour flight to Heathrow, then 4 hour flight to Istanbul, I'm thinking I'll have time to finish it, memorize it, translate it into Pig Latin, and re-copy it upside down.

So, my next post will either be a) tomorrow's Freak-Out Part Two or b) from Istanbul!

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