Monday, March 15, 2010

A Vlog?!, or Day 72 in Doha

I know, this is supposed to be a "web log" with "writing" and "reading" and stuff. But I already had my whole camera set-up going because of my weekly Soliya meeting (where there are eight students from around Eurasia talking, most specifically about East/West issues... I'm sure I'll talk about it later). So I decided to exploit it and do a "video log" instead.

So, since I didn't have anything more exciting than nearly getting run over by friends in the parking lot (that makes it sound even more exciting than it was), I have to talk about the past...

1 comment:

  1. The explanation I got was that Pushkar came to be when Lord Somebody or Other dropped a lotus blossom to Earth.

    I actually forgot to even write about that at all. And in my defense I did give him a whole 50 Rupees for his 'charity or whatnot.'
