Monday, February 15, 2010

Hillary and Chocolate (and School too, I suppose), or Day 44 in Doha

Just thought I'd mention something. When I was talking to my parents (and I got a chance to talk to my sister yesterday too), my dad mentioned the fact that this blog doesn't really mention the fact that I'm going to school.

Don't worry, guys. I'm going to school... it's cramping my fun!

In fact, university was much more exciting today than usual. I got wanded down as I entered the building because Hillary Clinton was visiting! She held a town hall meeting for Al Jazeera in our majlis. I listened to her talk from the second floor. I didn't get a ticket like SOME people that got to sit ten meters from her (*cough* Abdalla *cough*). In discussions afterward, everyone was frustrated because she danced around the issues, especially when it came to Iran (which was discussed a lot), but I think that she did a good job of showing how the ball is currently in Iran's court. I don't think that's what people wanted to hear, but that's what they got. If you are interested, there are many articles about the subject. Al Jazeera's was the most illuminating for me.
"Secretary Clinton is in the Gulf States, not to lessen America's energy dependence, but rather China's. As one of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, China's support is critical for passing any sanctions against Tehran. But its been reluctant to do so because it is Iran that supplies China with most of its energy, and that's precisely why the US is here -- to get energy-rich Qatar and Saudi Arabia to step forward as alternate energy suppliers."
In addition to the media coverage around the world, there is quite a bit of student media that was going on as well. Sidra, a friend from Northwestern, had her handy notepad out and was snapping pictures left and right. Abdalla and Zaid were interviewing people (such as Khaled, who got an opportunity to ask a question) about their reactions for their radio show "A to Z", which plays on QF Radio. I also got interviewed, but for a completely different reason... they finally got around to asking me about being an exchange student!

Today wasn't all politics. I was the happy or
ganizer of a study break to Maya, the chocolate restaurant that I've been to before. We were happy as clams, chowing down on chocolate cake, chocolate crepes, chocolate pizza, chocolate fondue, chocolate brownie, and probably chocolate something else too.

I'm still a bit full.

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