Well I mentioned quite a while ago about the pigeons living on my windowsill. It is finally time to introduce "Sara" and "Corinne!"
Let's start with the reason that real, roommate Sara and I don't keep the window open. There is a giant hole in the screen, and since we now have a happy pair of pigeons roosting there, I wouldn't want them to accidentally get into our room.
So I tried to be kind while taking pictures of them, so shot through the glass. However, it is a bit hard to see the beady eyes of "Sara" (or "Corinne", I don't know that we know which one is which) gazing back
So I stuck my camera through said hole while the other one was guarding the nest, which, sadly, caused a bit of a stir. So instead of beady eyes, you get this rather cool action shot of "Corinne" (or "Sara", as you may choose) fleeing the nest after some human monster "attacks" him/her.
Well, that did leave me with a chance to actually see what was in the nest... two eggs! They are expecting "Sara Jr." and "Corinne Jr."!
No worries, the pair was back to sitting on the eggs within the hour. And I'm sure the white one is there now, as we speak.
This, of course, sparked a five minute Internet search about pigeons and eggs, so, in case you were wondering, pigeons always lay two eggs, the first about a day or two after the second. Once the second one is laid, then they begin incubating them. The first egg doesn't begin growing or maturing until the incubation starts, so both eggs will hatch at about the same time. The incubation period is from 17-21 days. I noticed them about two weeks ago, took these pictures about a week ago, so I'm thinking we'll have squabs (or squeaks or whatever else you want to call baby pigeons) within the week!
And my day? Well, I spent 8-12 hours today (depending on whether you count the time I spent from midnight until 4am) coding today, and now my hands hurt a bit, and I just got some ice cream to celebrate, and I'm ready to sleep in my bed instead of on the couch for the night!
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