Tuesday, April 13, 2010

American Chocolate Chip Cookies, or Day 101 in Doha

I've realized I've begun to start all my posts with my mood. Now, that may be a good thing: you'll know whether or not you want to keep reading. But on the other hand, it boils down all my complex emotions into one introductory sentence...

I had a wonderful day!

The networks project that Khaled and I have been struggling with for four weeks now has passed its final required checkpoint. That means, on the surface, it does what it's supposed to do. Now, that is awesome news, and we have a week and a half to make it do what it is supposed to do through and through, as well as optimize for extra credit (which I need...)

To celebrate that, I made cookies! (Which means I had cookie dough for dinner. Shhh.) I invited Daedri over to test them, as we commiserated that our time here is running out!

Basel came back from his week in Canada, so Abdalla and I got together with him to hear all about the stuff that Canada allows that Qatar does not.

Honestly, I think a lot of the people from the U.S. think that everyone wants to be a citizen of the States; I know I used to think that way. We're the greatest country in the world, right? However, I get around here, and people are often so proud of their home countries that trading in those passports would be sacrilegious. And those that do want to be able to travel with fewer restrictions or want the opportunities of a non-Arab country try to get citizenship to Canada, which is why Basel took his trip.

All in all, a much different mindset than the one I expected. I'm not sure if chocolate chip cookies are American, but that's just another reason to head over to North America! (We actually have the ingredients one needs to make them properly.)

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