I have discovered I will be in eight different countries in May; nine if you count a two-hour layover in London. In order of travel: Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, (UK,) USA.
I was going to take a picture of the French toast I had for lunch today. Then I ate it all.
The French call French toast "lost bread," since you often use stale bread for it. My roommate was from France last semester. This semester, my roommate is from Qatar (though her roots are in Yemen.)
I have one project, one paper, one presentation, and one test tomorrow. After that, I'll only have one test left.
I have a pen I brought from the U.S. that has "Student Dormitory Co
It was Earth Day (or day after Earth Day, or something), so I went around and collected all the papers that only had printing on one side so I could print on the other side the slides I need to study.
I split a "Crown Pizza" with Abdalla while studying. Like the McArabia, it was something new... and we also ate all of it before I thought about getting a picture. (Ours only had meatballs in the crust.)
While writing my post yesterday, I feel asleep a few times. That is why it might have said something along the lines of "Sara's dad was waiting feedback And then picked me later then 8pm. Qatari time." I apologize. I meant to say that Sara was thinking she was going to pick me up at 5:30pm, but actually ended up arriving (after a few text message exchanges) at 8pm.
I didn't leave the house until it was already dark today. Sometimes, weekends are just sad.
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